Men's Ministry

In a world that seeks to tear men down, we want to build each other up through the Word of God and better understanding our place in our homes, work spaces, and church.

Join CBC's men for the opportunity to strengthen your faith and understanding of who God has made you to be.

"A Time to Dance" February 10th
6-8:30pm | Gym

We're always planning things, so join our Facebook group to stay up to date!

Valentine's Concert, Dinner & Dance
Register NowSend a Love Note

Someday, Somemonth 1st
5:00 PM in the CBC Gym

Here is some text talking about how exciting this event is going to be and why women should come and hang out with other women!

$50,000 Registration
Register Here

Someday, Somemonth 1st
5:00 PM in the CBC Gym

Here is some text talking about how exciting this event is going to be and why women should come and hang out with other women!

$50,000 Registration
Register Here

Women's Retreat

Join us September 29th - October 1st at Camp Allen near Navasota, TX.

Bible Study RegistrationRegister for Retreat!KidsWatch RegistrationChildcare Registration

Weekly Bible Study

Be Still.

Wed Nights 7:00-8:30pm
Thurs Mornings 6:00-7:30am

The Be Still Series is a 10-weekcourse based on Brian Heasley’s book, Be Still: a Simple Guide to Quiet Times that will equip you and your band of brothers to learn together how to develop a regular rhythm and deeper daily relationship with God. In the interactive sessions, your will learn some creative ways we can connect with God each day, unpacking how to practically develop and grow habits that can cultivate daily stillness in the midst of a busy and fast-paced world.

Sign Up

Chain Breakers

Chain breakers is a ministry for men who are willing to take on the battle to break the cycle of habitual sin. This ministry is a confidential and a shame free discipleship relationship with men who have been set free. Men are equipped with the tools and resources along with loving accountability to help in the journey of breaking the chains of bondage to sin.

If you are ready to begin the first step of freedom, contact
Pastor Tim Weaver or Keven Coates.

4thQTR Ministry

Retirement can be the most fulfilling–or the emptiest–time of a man’s life. For 40-plus years, we have been working in a career. It’s what we do. It’s who we are. And then it’s over. Now what?

The 4thQTR men’s ministry is a place where we help one another to fight the good fight, to keep the faith and finish well. The 4thQTR ministry sponsors a variety of social events and educational workshops for men who are approaching retirement or are already there.

Learn More!

Upcoming Events

Men's Retreat

October 14th-16th | Camp Cho-yeh in Livingston, TX
Arrive Friday starting at 3PM & Leave Sunday by Noon

Axe throwing, archery tag, fishing, and more! Messages by CBC Pastors.

$150 Registration
Contact Wes Hill for scholarship opportunities.

Invite friends!
Register Here

Someday, Somemonth 1st
5:00 PM in the CBC Gym

Here is some text talking about how exciting this event is going to be and why men should come and hang out with other men!

$50,000 Registration
Register Here

Someday, Somemonth 1st
5:00 PM in the CBC Gym

Here is some text talking about how exciting this event is going to be and why men should come and hang out with other men!

$50,000 Registration
Register Here
Brian Carroll | Executive Pastor

Meet Your Leaders

Tim Weaver

Men's Ministry Pastor

Wes Hill

Director of Men's Ministry

Bruce Sauer

4th Qtr Ministry